"Yakko's Universe" is a song from the 1993 American Amblin Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation animated slapstick and sketch comedy series Animaniacs. The song features the titular character Yakko, joined by his siblings in the final chorus, singing about how gigantic the universe truly is and how small we are compared to it.
Randy Rogel wrote and composed the song, basing it on Eric Idle's "Galaxy Song" from Monty Python and the Meaning of Life.
- Singers: Rob Paulsen (Yakko), Jess Harnell (Wakko), Tress MacNeille (Dot)
Everybody lives on a street in a city or a village or a town for what it's worth. And they're all inside a country which is part of a continent that sits upon a planet known as Earth. And the Earth is a ball full of oceans and some mountains which is out there spinning silently in space. And living on that Earth are the plants and the animals and also the entire human race. It's a great big universe and we're all really puny. We're just tiny little specks about the size of Mickey Rooney. It's big and black and inky. And we are small and dinky. It's a big universe and we're not. And we're part of a vast interplanetary system stretching seven hundred billion miles long. With nine planets and a sun, we think the Earth's the only one that has life on it, although we could be wrong. Across the interstellar voids are a billion asteroids including meteors and Halley's Comet too. And there's over fifty moons floating out there like balloons in a panoramic trillion-mile view. And still it's all a speck amid a hundred billion stars in a galaxy we call the Milky Way. It's sixty thousand trillion miles from one end to the other and still that's just a fraction of the way. 'Cause there's a hundred billion galaxies that stretch across the sky, filled with constellations, planets, moons and stars. And still the universe extends to a place that never ends which is maybe just inside a little jar! It's a great big universe and we're all really puny. We're just tiny little specks about the size of Mickey Rooney. Though we don't know how it got here, we're an important part here! It's a big universe and it's ours!
- Singers: Rafat Bazoo / رأفت بازو (Yakko), Zeyad Errafae'ie / زياد الرفاعي (Wakko) and Fatma Saad / فاطمة سعد (Dot)
كل شخص يقطن في شارع يقع في مدينة او بلدة من القرى جميعها توجد ضمن بلد في قارة على سطح هذه الكرة وهذه الكرة هي كوكب ازرق يتألف من يابسة وماء يعيش فيه نبات، حيوان وبشر يكنون له كل الوفاء إنه كون كبير ونحن صغار جدا وعمرنا قصير بعكسه في المدة إنه مظلم هائل، لكنا بالحجم قلائل إنه كون كبير عظيم نحن جزء من نظام شمسي كبير طوله سبع مئة مليون ميل وفيه تسع كواكب وشمس بإعتقادنا ليس لها ابدا مثيل تجاوره بلايين الكواكب السيارة بما فيها الشهوب والمذنبات وهناك اجمل الأقمار تضيئ كالنهار تطفو في الفضاء مثل البالونات كل هذا ضمن مجرة صغيرة وسط النجوم اسمها درب التبانة قطرها ستون الف ترليون ميل وهذا هائل جدا بالنسبة لنا لكن هذا يبدو ضئيلا وسط مئات بلايين النجوم والمجرات والأقمار الكون ليس له بداية وليس له نهاية لا يمكننا حصره في إطار إنه كون كبير ونحن صغار جدا وعمرنا قصير بعكسه بالمدة إنه مذهل هائل لكنا بالحجم قلائل إنه كون كبير عظيم
Every person lives on a street located in a city or a town of villages, All of which are part of a nation, on a continent, on the surface of this globe. And this globe is a blue planet made up of land and water, Where plants, animals, and humans live, showing it all their loyalty. It's a vast universe, and we're very small, And our lives are short compared to its duration. It's incredibly dark, yet we're miniscule in size, It's a great, big universe. We're part of a large solar system, seven hundred million miles long, With nine planets and a sun, we believe is unmatched. Billions of other minor celestial bodies orbit it, including meteors and comets, And there are the most beautiful moons, shining like the day, Floating in space like balloons. All of this is within a small galaxy amidst the stars, called the Milky Way, Its diameter is sixty thousand trillion miles, which is very vast for us, But it seems insignificant amidst hundreds of billions of stars, galaxies, and moons, The universe has no beginning and no end, we cannot confine it within a frame. It's a vast universe, and we're very small, And our lives are short compared to its duration. It's amazing, incredible, yet we're miniscule in size, It's a Great, big universe.
Bulgarian (bTV Comedy)[]
- Readers: Kamen Asenov / Камен Асенов (Yakko), Dimitar Zhivkov / Димитър Живков (Wakko) and Angelina Slavova / Ангелина Славова (Dot)
Всеки живее на някоя уличка в село, селце, град или градче. И това място се намира в страна, която е на континент, а то е на планетата Земя. Земното кълбо в мрака се върти, с него се въртят и океани, и високи планини. И на тази Земя има растения, животни - тя е домът на човешката раса. Вселената е огромна и безкрайна, а ние сме микроскопични, незабележими прашинки. Тя е голяма и тъне във вечен мрак, а ние сме нищожно малки. Вселената е голяма, ние не сме. Ние сме част от огромна система, която се простира на милиарди километри. В нея има девет планети и Слънце. Смятаме, че живот има само на Земята, но може и да грешим. В космическото пространство има милиарди астероиди и метеори - там е и Халеевата комета. В космоса плуват и над петдесет луни, огрявайки величествена панорама. Но това е само една малка система сред милиардите звезди в галактиката "Млечен път." Тя има диаметър от около сто хиляди светлинни години и въпреки това е просто нищожно малка. Защото в космоса има стотици милиарди галактики със съзвездия, с планети, с луни и звезди. Вселената е безкрайна и в същото време може би е безкрайно малка. Вселената е безкрайна и огромна, а ние сме нищожно малки и незабележими прашинки. Не знаем как се е появила... Но ние сме важна част от нея. Цялата, огромна вселена е наша!
Everyone lives on some street in a village, hamlet, city or town. And this place is located in a country that is on a continent, and that is on planet Earth. The globe rotates in the dark, oceans and high mountains rotate with it. And on this Earth there are plants, animals - it is the home of the human race. The universe is vast and infinite, and we are microscopic, imperceptible specks of dust. She is great and dwells in eternal darkness, and we are insignificantly small. The universe is big, we are not. We are part of a vast system that stretches billions of kilometers. It has nine planets and the Sun. We think that life exists only on Earth, but we could be wrong. There are billions of asteroids and meteors in outer space - Halley's Comet is also there. More than fifty moons float in space, illuminating a majestic panorama. But this is just one small system among the billions of stars in the Milky Way galaxy. It's about a hundred thousand light-years across, and yet it's just tiny. Because in space there are hundreds of billions of galaxies with constellations, with planets, with moons and stars. The universe is infinite and at the same time perhaps infinitesimally small. The universe is infinite and vast, and we are insignificantly small and imperceptible specks of dust. We don't know how it came to be... But we are an important part of it. The whole, vast universe is ours!
- Singers: Mario Mirković (Yakko), Željko Šestić (Wakko) and Jasna Bilušić (Dot)
Please provide Croatian lyrics if you can
Czech (ČT1)[]
- Singers: Libor Terš (Yakko), Ján Janovic (Wakko) and Aťka Janoušková (Dot)
Žije každý z nás, jak má žít, na vesnici, na ulici, nebo z města může být. A my všichni dohromady žijem na kulatý Zemi co krouží nekonečným vesmírem. Naše Země je míč, plná moří a pohoří, kde je bytostí co si můžeš jen přát. A můžeš s nimi žít, a můžeš je i milovat, a štěstí všem těm lidem můžeš přát. Letět velkým vesmírem a být jak kapka v moři, Jen rybka v modrém oceánu, jak na Slunci skvrny. Jako písek z duny, jsme jen nepatrní. Ale přesto celý vesmír patří nám. My jsme jen malá část meziplanetární systém jeho devět planet možná chce tě zmást. Sedm set miliard mil někde začátek a cíl jedno Slunce, co se umí krásně smát. Narazíš na hvězdný roj, a možná potkáš asteroid a je tam taky Halleyova Kometa. Co má ocas jiskřivý přes padesát měsíců, kterým celý vesmír pěkně zametá. Je to jenom jedno místo mezi miliónem hvězd která krásná Mléčná Dráha může vést. A když letíš kolem ní, tak začne se ti zdát že je tou nejvážnější ze všech cest. A to je vesmír nekonečný, který věčný se ti zdá a rozkládá se všude kolem nás. Zkus jen tomu uvěřit že ho v sobě můžeš mít a že i kousek z něho je každý z nás. Letět velkým vesmírem a být jak kapka v moři, Jen rybka v modrém oceánu, jak na Slunci skvrny. Ale kdo se zasmát umí jistě porozumí. Vesmír je kolem nás kvůli nám!
Each of us lives as we should live, in the village, on the street, or from the city. And we all live together on a round Earth what orbits the infinite universe. Our Earth is a ball, full of seas and mountains where there is a creature you can just wish for. And you can live with them, and you can also love them, and you can wish good luck to the people. To fly through the great universe and be like a drop in the sea, Just a fish in the blue ocean like spots on the sun. Like sand from a dune, we're just tiny. But still the whole universe belongs to us. We are only a small part of the interplanetary system of its nine planets that may want to confuse you. Seven hundred billion miles somewhere beginning and end, one Sun that can laugh nicely. You'd encounter a star swarm, and you may encounter an asteroid and there's the Halley's Comet. What has a sparkling tail over fifty moons, which sweeps the whole universe nicely. It's just one place among a million stars, Which the beautiful Milky Way can lead. And when you fly around it, it starts to seem to you that it's the most serious of all paths. And that's an infinite universe that may seem eternal to you and it spreads all around us. Just try to believe that you can have it in you, and that even a little of it is each of us. To fly through the great universe, and be like a drop in the sea, Just a fish in the blue ocean like spots on the sun. But who can laugh surely will understand. The universe is around us for us!
- Singers: Henrik Koefoed (Yakko), Peter Røschke (Wakko) and Vibeke Dueholm (Dot)
Alle mennesker bor på en vej i en storby eller småby eller en, der er mellemstor. Og de ligger i et land som er en del af et kontinent som breder sig et sted på moder Jord. Moder Jord er en bold fuld af have og nogle bjerge og den drejer i galaksen stille rundt. Og på den runde Jord lever dyrene og planterne og også menneskene på godt og ondt. Det' et vildt stort univers, så stort, at man forsvinder; I den store sammenhæng er vi kun nullermænd og -kvinder. Så stort og sort og stille, Hvor føler man sig lille. Universet er stort, vi er små. Vi er en del af et stort solsystem, der rækker længere end jeg kunne tælle til på tusind døgn. Ni planeter og sol, og vi tror, vi har monopol på beboelse, men det er sikkert løgn. For der er massevis af plads, himmellegemer en masse, asteroider, og kometer, meteorer. Der er måner, knap halvfjerds, som svæver rundt på kryds og tværs, mens de kigger sig omkring og mangler ord. Selv dét er kun en sjat i vores store stjernesværm, den galakse som vi kalder Mælkevejen. Tres tusinde trillioner mile, så lang er den, hvad giver I, men hvis vi tænker videre, bliver den klejn. For der er milliarder af galakser spredt i rummets dyb, med planeter, måner, stjerner, ja og sådan. Og hele den uendelighed ligger måske trygt, hvem ved, i en lille kugle i en kæmpe hånd. Det' et vildt stort univers, så stort, at man forsvinder; I den store sammenhæng er vi kun nullermænd og -kvinder. Pyt nu med hvorfor vi er her, Bare vi må være her, Det er vores store univers!
All people live on a road in a big city or small town or one that is medium in size. And they are located in a country that is part of a continent that spreads somewhere on Mother Earth. Mother Earth is a ball full of sea and some mountains and it spins in the galaxy silently. And on the round Earth the animals and the plants and also the people live for better or for worse. It's a wildly big universe, so big that you disappear; In the grand scheme of things, we are only zero men and women. So big and black and silent, How small you feel. The universe is big, we are small. We are part of a vast solar system that stretches further than I could count in a thousand days. Nine planets and the sun, and we think we have a monopoly on habitability, but that's probably a lie. Because there is a lot of space, a lot of celestial bodies, asteroids, and comets, meteors. There are moons, barely seventy, hovering criss-crossing as they look around at a loss for words. Even that is only a speck in our great cluster of stars, the galaxy we call the Milky Way. Sixty thousand trillion miles, that's how long it is, what do you care, but if we think further, it becomes small. Because there are billions of galaxies scattered in the depths of space, with planets, moons, stars, yes and such. And all that infinity may lie safely, who knows, in a small ball in a giant hand. It's a wildly big universe, so big that you disappear; In the grand scheme of things, we are only zero men and women. Never mind why we're here, As long as we have to be here, It is our great universe!
- Singers: TBA (Yakko), TBA (Wakko) and TBA (Dot)
Tout le monde vit dans une rue, dans une cité ou un village ou une ville, c'est secondaire. Et tout ça c'est dans un pays qui est dans un grand continent lui-même sur une planète nommée Terre. Et la Terre est une balle pleine d'océans et de montagnes qui tournoie en silence au cœur de l'espace. Et vivant sur cette Terre ya des plantes et des animaux et aussi des humains de toutes les races. C'est un très grand univers mais nous somme des gringalets. Pas plus gros qu'un grain d'poussière presque de la taille de Mickey Rooney. Devant l'noir de l'infini, Nous sommes petits et gentils. C'est un grand univers, on n'est rien. On est là au milieu de notre vieux système solaire qui s'étend sur mille milliards de kilomètres. Neuf planètes et un soleil, on pourrait croire que seule la Terre porte la vie mais c'est une erreur, peut-être. Et dans le vide interstellaire, des milliards d'astéroïdes croisent des météores et la comète de Halley. Il y a plus de cinquante lunes qui flottent comme des ballons dans l'immensité galactique étoilée. Pourtant ce n'est qu'un point parmi les cent milliards d'étoiles de la galaxie qu'on appelle Voie lactée. Elle s'étire sur cent-mille millions de kilomètres comme un voile, mais le voyage n'est pas encore terminé. Il y a aussi cent milliards d'galaxies dispersées dans le ciel, des planètes, des lunes, des étoiles, mais combien? Même si on sait que l'univers n'aura jamais de frontière, peut-être qu'au fond il tiendrait au creux d'une main. C'est un très grand univers mais nous somme des gringalets. Pas plus gros qu'un grain de poussière presque de la taille de Mickey Rooney Même si on ne sait pas comment, On est tous important. Ça, c'est notre univers, on y tient!
Everyone lives on a street, in a city or a village or a town, it's secondary. And all of this is in a country which is in a large continent itself on a planet called Earth. And the Earth is a ball full of oceans and mountains that spins silently in the heart of space. And living on this Earth are plants and animals and also humans of all races. It's a very big universe but we're weaklings. No bigger than a speck of dust, almost the size of Mickey Rooney. Before the black of infinity, We are small and nice. It's a big universe, we're nothing. We are here in the middle of our old solar system which extends over a thousand billion kilometers. Nine planets and a sun, one might believe that only the Earth carries life but that is perhaps an error. And in the interstellar void, billions of asteroids intersect meteors and Halley's Comet. There are more than fifty moons floating like balloons in the starry galactic immensity. Yet it is only one point among the hundred billion stars in the galaxy called the Milky Way. It stretches for a hundred thousand million kilometers like a veil, but the journey is not yet over. There are also a hundred billion galaxies scattered in the sky, planets, moons, stars, but how many? Even if we know that the universe will never have boundaries, perhaps deep down it would fit in the palm of one hand. It's a very big universe but we're weaklings. No bigger than a speck of dust almost the size of Mickey Rooney Even if we don't know how, We are all important. This is our universe, we care about it!
- Singers: TBA (Yakko), TBA (Wakko) And TBA (Dot)
Jeder von uns hat ein zu Hause in einem Städtchen, einem Dörfchen oder irgendwo im Wald. Und das Land in dem wir leben ist nur Teil eines Kontinents und sitzt auf dem Planet den Erdenball. Auf der Erdkruste drauf sitzt das Meer und ein paar Berge und das ganze kullert leise durch das All. Und auf der Erde drauf leben Pflanzen und Tiere und dazu die ganze Menschheit auf einmal. Ganz schön groß ist der Kosmos und wir sind kleine Knirpse. Wir sind mur ein kleiner Klecks, so groß wie Jürgen von der Kippe. Das All ist groß und dunkel Und wir sind kleine Punkte. Unser Kosmos ist groß und wir nicht. Unser Sonnensystem ist viel größer als die Erde, eine Billion Kilometer reicht die Sicht. 9 Planeten und ein Stern und zwar vermuten wir bisher, dass dort nichts lebt doch ganz sicher sind wir nicht. Die Planetenerdanziehung schmiedet aus den Asteroiden unsere Meteore wurde eine Komet. Über 50 Monde drehen sich durch unser Sternsystem im Panorama vor unserem Planet. Doch das ist nur ein Klacks, denn Milliarden Sterne hat sie, unsere Milchstraße, die Galaxie auch heißt. Hundert Trillionen Kilometer breit ist dieses Spiegelei und das ist ja doch wirklich ganz schön weit. Und auch Billiarden andere Galaxien erhellen die Dunkelheit voller Sonne Mond, Planeten und sowas. Und unser Kosmos reicht soweit bis in alle Ewigkeit oder ist es nur ein Sturm im Wasserglas? Ganz schön groß ist der Kosmos und wir sind kleine Knirpse. Wir sind nur ein kleiner Klecks, so groß wie Jürgen von der Kippe. Zwar weiß niemand wo es her ist, Wer Schöpfer oder Herr ist, Doch der Kosmos ist groß und sehr schön!
Each of us has a home in a town, a village or somewhere in the forest. And the country we live in is just part of a continent and sits on the planet. The sea and a few mountains sit on the earth's crust and the whole thing rolls quietly through space. And plants and animals live on the earth, as well as all of humanity at once. The cosmos is pretty big and we are little tots. We're just a little blob, as big as Jürgen von der Kippe. Space is big and dark And we are little dots. Our cosmos is big and we are not. Our solar system is much larger than Earth, with a visibility of a trillion kilometers. 9 planets and a star and although we suspect that nothing lives there, we are not entirely sure. The planet's gravity forges the asteroids our meteors into a comet. Over 50 moons rotate through our star system in the panorama in front of our planet. But that's just a piece of cake, because our Milky Way, which is also called the galaxy, has billions of stars. This fried egg is a hundred trillion kilometers wide and that's really quite far. And quadrillions of other galaxies also light up the darkness full of sun, moon, planets and stuff like that. And our cosmos extends to eternity or is it just a storm in a teacup? The cosmos is pretty big and we are little tots. We are just a small blob, as big as Jürgen von der Kippe. Although no one knows where it comes from, Who is the creator or master, The cosmos is large and very beautiful!
Greek (Sierra Recordings)[]
- Singers: Bámpis Alexandrópoulos / Μπάμπης Αλεξανδρόπουλος (Yakko, Wakko) and Stefania Chougia / Στεφανία Χούγια (Dot)
Please provide Greek lyrics if you can
- Singers: Alon Noyman (Yakko), Ohad Shachar (Wakko) and Sarit Vino-Elad (Dot)
Please provide Hebrew lyrics if you can
- Singers: TBA (Yakko), TBA (Wakko) and TBA (Dot)
Mindenki ott él hol az út, az a falu vagy a városrésze melybe hazajár. És az otthon egy országnak része az egy kontinenesen van ami a föld nevű bolygón áll. És a föld egy varázsgömb tele óceánnal, hegységekkel, az űrben mindez kint kerin eképp. Az életteli föld csupa zöld, azon állat él és ez az egész emberi nép. Ez egy szép nagy csodagömb, az ember benne elvész, Pici kis folt, pötty, ami nem is volt itt nemrég. Bár sötét mint a tinta, Az ember mégis minta, Az egész nagyvilág az övé. Gyere nézd van egy nagyobb bolygóközi rendszer mely hétszázmilliárd mérföldnyire nyúlt. Kilenc bolygó közül csak a föld ami él, na de még ezer dolog van mit nem is tudhatunk. És van milliárd meteor mely az űrön át hatol, s köztük kinn a térben üstökös hasít. Több mint ötven darab hold fenn az égen színes folt, látod elképesztő űrtájkép virít. És százmilliárd csillag dereng fényéveken át, s egy galaxis mi úgy hívjuk tejút. Ám de lehet hatvantrillió mérföld míg a végére jutsz, de akkor is csak töredéket futsz. Legalább százmilliárd galaxis tölti meg az űrt, és ott van még a sok-sok égitest. És noha mindez végtelen, lehet elfér kis helyen, s ez az egész talán játékgömbnek fest. Ez egy szép nagy csodagömb, az ember benne elvész, Pici kis folt, pötty, ami nem is volt itt nemrég. Bár sötét mint a tinta, Az ember mégis minta, Az egész nagyvilág az övé!
Everyone lives where the road is, the village or neighborhood they go home to. And home is part of a country on a continent that stands on a planet called earth. And the earth is a magic sphere full of ocean, mountains, in space it all surrounds like this. The living earth is all green, animals live on it and this is the entire human race. It's a nice big ball of wonder, you get lost in it, A tiny spot, a dot that wasn't even here recently. Though dark as ink, Man is still a model, The whole wide world is his. Come and see there is a larger interplanetary system that stretched seven hundred billion miles. Of the nine planets, only the earth is alive, but there are a thousand other things we cannot even know. And there are billions of meteors that penetrate through space, and comets split between them in space. More than fifty moons are a colorful spot in the sky, you can see an amazing space landscape blooming. And a hundred billion stars shine for light years, and a galaxy we call the milky way. But it may be sixty trillion miles until you reach the end, but even then you're only running a fraction. At least a hundred billion galaxies fill space, and there are also many, many celestial bodies. And even though all of this is endless, it can fit in a small space, and it might all look like a toy ball. It's a nice big ball of wonder, you get lost in it, A tiny spot, a dot that wasn't even here recently. Though dark as ink, Man is still a model, The whole wide world is his!
- Singers: Massimiliano Alto (Yakko), Davide Lepore (Wakko) and Ilaria Latini (Dot)
Abitiamo tutti in una strada di città e le città son grandi o piccole lo sai. Ma insieme fanno una nazione dentro un continente al sole sopra il bel pianeta dove stiamo noi. E la Terra è una palla con gli oceani e le montagne e gira nel silenzio dello spazio blu. E a fare bello qui ci son piante e animali, in più c'è la razza umana a tu per tu. Grande è l' universo e noi noi piccoli e grassoni. Siamo fette d' allegria grandi come Mickey Rooney. È nero come inchiostro, Ma per ora ancora nostro. L' universo è più grande di noi. Siamo parte di un sistema, un' interplanetaria scena lunga miliardate di chilometri. I pianeti sono nove intorno al sole e si presume che la vita sia scoppiata solo qui. E nel vuoto interstellare di comete, è un gran brillare, c'è un silenzio, non si sente neanche un bum. Ci son cento lune o più tutte appese stan lassù in una mega panoramica TV. Ma questo è niente se pensi al mucchio di astri che forma la galassia dove stiamo noi. E la Via Lattea come sai è lunga una cifra che davvero sembra non finire mai. Le galassie son miliardi in queste azzurre praterie che son piene di pianeti e immensità. E l' universo cresce e và dove fine non c'è mai ma forse in un barattolo ci sta. Grande è l' universo e noi noi siam piccoli e grassoni. Siamo fette d' allegria grandi come Mikey Rooney È nero come inchiostro, Ma per ora ancora nostro. L' universo è più grande di noi!
We all live on a city street and cities are big or small, you know. But together they make a nation inside a continent in the sun above the beautiful planet where we are. And the Earth is a ball with oceans and mountains and spins in the silence of blue space. And to make things beautiful here there are plants and animals, plus there is the human race face to face. The universe is big and we are small and fat. We are slices of joy as big as Mickey Rooney. It's as black as ink, But for now still ours The universe is bigger than us. We are part of a system, an interplanetary scene billions of kilometers long. There are nine planets around the sun and it is assumed that life arose only here. And in the interstellar void of comets, it is very bright, there is silence, not even a boom can be heard. There are a hundred moons or more all hanging up there in a mega panoramic TV. But this is nothing if you think about the pile of stars that make up the galaxy where we are. And the Milky Way, as you know, is a long distance which really seems to never end. There are billions of galaxies in these blue prairies that are full of planets and immensities. And the universe grows and goes where there is never an end but perhaps it fits in a jar. The universe is large and we are small and fat. We are slices of joy as big as Mikey Rooney. It's as black as ink, But for now still ours. The universe is bigger than us!
- Singers: Ryūsei Nakao / 中尾隆聖 (Yakko), Yū Mizushima / 水島 裕 (Wakko) and Ikue Ōtani / 大谷 育江 (Dot)
みんなが集まり おうちが集まり 村や町になる。 街の次は国 世界中の でもそれは地球の一部。 地球は水と緑に覆われ 静かに宇宙をまわる。 回る回る 森も動物も 同じ地球に乗って。 広い宇宙 それに比べり、 ゃなんてちっぽけ、 僕らは豆つぶさ。 無限の宇宙、 果てしない宇宙、 そして小さな僕ら。 地球の外には太陽系 長さは11兆キロ。 太陽の周りをぐるぐる 9つの惑星回ってる。 小さな惑星 流れ星やハレー彗星も飛び交って。 50以上の次浮かぶ それは 美しい眺め。 太陽系包む銀河星雲 星の数は一兆もある。 はしからはしまで 9700兆キロ、 まだまだ終らない。 だって宇宙には 同じような星雲が、他に一兆もあって。 宇宙だって小さなビンの中に あるだけかけもしれないんだ。 広い宇宙 それに比べり、 ゃなんてちっぽけ、 僕らは豆つぶさ。 無限の宇宙、 果てしない宇宙、 そして小さな僕ら!
minna ga atsumari o uchi ga atsumari mura ya machi ni naru . machi no tsugi wa kuni sekaijū no demo sore wa chikyū no ichibu . chikyū wa mizu to midori ni ōware shizuka ni uchū o mawaru . mawaru mawaru mori mo dōbutsu mo onaji chikyū ni notte . hiroi uchū soreni hiberi , yanantechippoke , bokura wa mame tsubusa . mugen no uchū , hate shinai uchū , soshite chīsana bokura . chikyū no soto ni wa taiyōkei naga sa wa ichi ichi chō kiro . taiyō no mawari o guruguru kokonotsu no wakusei mawatteru . chīsana wakusei nagareboshi ya harēsuisei mo tobikatte . go zero ijō no tsugi ukabu sore wa utsukushī nagame . taiyōkei tsutsumu ginga seiun hoshi no kazu wa ichi chō mo aru . hashi kara hashi made 9700 chō kiro , madamada owaranai . datte uchū ni wa onaji yōna seiun ga , ta ni ichi chō mo atte . uchū datte chīsana bin no naka ni aru dake kake mo shirenai nda . hiroi uchū soreni hiberi , yanantechippoke , bokura wa mame tsubusa . mugen no uchū , hate shinai uchū , soshite chīsana bokura !
Everyone gathers, homes gather, and it becomes a village or a town. After the city is a country all over the world but it is part of the earth. The earth is covered with water and greenery and silently rotates through space. Spinning around, the forest and the animals, riding on the same earth. Compared to the vast universe, We're so small, we're nothing but beans. infinite universe, Endless universe, And we are small. Outside the Earth is the solar system, which is 11 trillion kilometers long. Nine planets revolve around the sun. Small planets, shooting stars and Halley's Comet are also flying around. The next thing that comes to mind after 50 is a beautiful view. There are trillions of stars in the galaxy nebula that surrounds the solar system. From end to end, it's 9,700 trillion kilometers, and it's not over yet. After all, there are trillions of other similar nebulae in the universe. Even the universe is in a small bottle It might take as long as it takes. Compared to the vast universe, We're so small, we're nothing but beans. infinite universe, Endless universe, And we are little!
- Singers: TBA (Yakko), TBA (Wakko) and TBA (Dot)
Wokół widzisz wsie, tysiąc miast, wiele ulic, lasów wiele, trochę mórz, tysiące rzek. Niechaj ci się nie wydaje, że ten świat, to te kraje są tak nie myśl, bo to przecież wielki błąd. Ziemia jest punktem gdzieś zawieszonym we wszechświecie, możesz wierzyć moim słowom, albo nie. Na globie życie trwa, widzisz je podziwiasz wciąż, ale nie wiesz czy zwierzęta w niebie są. Ziemia jest punkcikiem, tych punkcików jest bezliku, A drobinką jesteś ty, śmieszne rządy polityków. I po co tyle krzyku, że ktoś jest większy przy kimś? Każdy z nas pyłkiem jest cały czas. Milion gwiazd, jakiś Mars, tyle planet wciąż nie znanych, a widzianych z naszej Ziemi jak tam jest. Mnóstwo komet, wiele słońc wolno im bądź co bądź właśnie świecić tam gdzie one tylko chcą. Asteroidy stale mkną, tak jak gdyby ktoś je gnał i jak gdyby chciały znaleźć cichy kąt. W tej przestrzeni gubisz się i rozumiesz nagle, że wielkość twoja we wszechświecie wzbudza śmiech. Istnieją może gdzieś istoty pewne tak jak my, że ten wszechświat dla nich tylko stworzył Bóg. Że oprócz nich nie żyje nikt, dlatego są tak ważni, sprostował bym to wszystko gdybym mógł. Podziwiaj piękne gwiazdozbiory, mleczną drogę istny cud, przy tym pomyśl sobie o nicości swej. I na uwadze proszę miej główka szpilki właśnie tej jest na pewno dużo większa niż i ty. Ziemia punktem jest, a tych punktów jest bezliku, Zawieszona w niebie gdzieś, śmieszne rządy polityków. Bo w przestworzach nie jest ważny żaden król i żaden błazen. Pyłkiem jest cały czas, każdy z nas!
Around you you see villages, a thousand cities, many streets, many forests, some seas, thousands of rivers. Don't think that this world and these countries are like that, because it is a big mistake. The Earth is a point suspended somewhere in the universe, you can believe my words or not. Life continues on the globe, you see it and admire it, but you don't know whether there are animals in heaven. The Earth is a point, there are countless of these points, And the speck is you, the ridiculous rule of politicians. And why so much shouting about someone being bigger next to someone? Each of us is dust all the time. A million stars, some Mars, so many planets still unknown, but seen from our Earth as they are there. Lots of comets, lots of suns, they are allowed to shine wherever they want. The asteroids are constantly rushing by, as if someone was rushing them and as if they wanted to find a quiet corner. You get lost in this space and suddenly understand that your greatness in the universe arouses laughter. Perhaps there are beings somewhere as sure as we are that this universe was created only for them by God. That no one lives except them, that's why they are so important, I would correct all this if I could. Admire the beautiful constellations, the milky way is a real miracle, and think about your nothingness. And please remember that the head of this pin is definitely much bigger than you. The Earth is a point, and there are countless of these points, Suspended in heaven somewhere, the ridiculous rule of politicians. Because in the sky no king or clown is important. Every one of us is dust all the time!
Portuguese (Brazil)[]
- Singers: TBA (Yakko), TBA (Wakko) and TBA (Dot)
Please provide Portuguese lyrics if you can
- Singers: Sebastian Lupu (Yakko), Richard Balint (Wakko) and Ioana Dagău (Dot)
Toată lumea locuiește pe o stradă in oraș sau în sat sau chiar într-o capitală. Ci anume într-o țară parte a unui continent ce se află pe planeta numită Pământ. Și pământul e ca o minge cu oceane și cu munți şi în spațiu el se mișcă încetișor. Pe pământ trăiesc plante animale și oameni şi asta se întâmplă de multișor. E un mare univers, și noi suntem mititei, Pe lângă el suntem niște soricei. E negru și e mare. Noi suntem mititei. Universul ăsta e mare. Și noi suntem o parte din sistemul solar ce are nouă planete și un soare. Credem că viață e numai pe pământ dar poate ne înșelăm. Exista în spațiu asteroizi, comete, meteoriți si o grămadă de praf stelar. Si mai sunt cincizeci de luni ce plutesc, ca niște baloane in acel peisaj frumos și îndepărtat. Tot mai sunt printre ele niște stele mititele ce fac parte din calea lactee. Sunt șase mii de trilioane de kilometri între ele dar asta nu înseamnă nimic pentru stele. Sunt miliarde de galaxii ce sus în cer se întind să știi cu planete și luni și constalatii. Universul ca să știi nici ca se poate sfârși, e mai mult decât ne putem dori. E un mare univers, și noi suntem mititei. Si plăpânzi suntem de mărimea unor soricei. Nu știm cum am ajuns aici. Noi suntem importanți sa știți E un mare univers şi e al nostru!
Everyone lives on a street in a city or village or even in a capital city. Namely in a country that is part of a continent on a planet called Earth. And the earth is like a ball with oceans and mountains and in space it moves slowly. Plants, animals and people live on the earth and this has been happening for a long time. It's a big universe and we're small, And next to it, we're mice. It's black and it's big. We're little people. This universe is big. And we're part of a solar system that has nine planets and a sun. We think life is only on earth but maybe we're wrong. There are asteroids, comets, meteorites and lots of stardust in space. And there are fifty moons floating, like balloons in that beautiful, distant landscape. Still among them are some mythical stars that are part of the Milky Way. There are six thousand trillion kilometres between them, but that means nothing to the stars. There are billions of galaxies stretching up into the sky with planets and moons and constellations. The universe as you know it cannot even end, it's more than we can wish for. It's a big universe, and we're small. And we're the size of mice. We don't know how we got here. We're important to know It's a big universe and it's ours!
Russian (Selena International)[]
- Singers: Roman Berchenko / Роман Берченко (Yakko), Pyotr Markin / Пётр Маркин (Wakko) and Alisa Kurganova / Алиса Курганова (Dot)
Please provide Russian lyrics if you can
Russian (Pythagor Studio)[]
- Singers: TBA (Yakko), TBA (Wakko) and TBA (Dot)
Please provide Russian lyrics if you can
- Singers: Rafael Monsalve (Yakko), Giset Blanco (Wakko) and Elena Prieto (Dot)
Las personas viven en las calles, en ciudades o en aldeas o en poblados, sí señor. Pero todas en países que forman los continentes de la Tierra, nuestro planeta hogar. Es un globo con océanos, con valles y montañas que siempre gira alrededor del Sol. Los animales y las plantas la recorren a placer y el hombre aquí se siente muy bien. Somos pequeñitos, inmenso es el universo, Tan pequeños, diminutos como ínfimos granitos. Tan grande y tan enorme y tan pequeño que es el hombre, ¡Es nuestro el universo y el Sol! De un sistema planetario somos partes integrantes y se extiende y se extiende por doquier. El Sol y nueve planetas y la Tierra, al parecer es el único que vida puede dar. Asteroides, meteoritos en el vacío infinito junto al Halley que un buen cometa es. Y satélites que son, como globos a montón en el gran espacio interestelar. También hay que mencionar otro aspecto singular la Vía Láctea, nuestra galaxia es. 60 mil billones de kilómetros de largo y es solo una migaja del pastel. Pues hay billones de galaxias que se encuentran por doquier, constelaciones, estrellas y algo más. ¡Este universo grande es y se extiende hasta un sinfín que quizá sea una bola de cristal! Somos pequeñitos, inmenso es el universo, Tan pequeños, diminutos como ínfimos granitos. Tan grande y tan enorme y tan pequeño que es el hombre, ¡Es nuestro el universo y el Sol!
People live on the streets, in cities or in villages or towns, yes sir. But all in countries that make up the continents of the Earth, our home planet. It is a globe with oceans, with valleys and mountains that always revolves around the Sun. Animals and plants walk through it at will and man feels very good here. We are small, the universe is immense, As small, tiny as tiny pimples. So big and so enormous and so small that man is, The universe and the Sun are ours! We are integral parts of a planetary system and it extends and extends everywhere. The Sun and nine planets and the Earth, apparently is the only one that can give life. Asteroids, meteorites in the infinite void next to Halley, which is a good comet. And satellites that are, like balloons galore in the great interstellar space. We must also mention another unique aspect of the Milky Way, our galaxy. 60 billion kilometers long and it's just a crumb of the cake. Well, there are billions of galaxies found everywhere, constellations, stars and something else. This universe is large and extends to an endless amount that may be a crystal ball! We are small, the universe is immense, As small, tiny as tiny pimples. So big and so enormous and so small that man is, The universe and the Sun are ours!
The lyrics are slightly different and the vocals are re-recorded for the version aired in Spain.
Please provide Spanish lyrics if you can
- Readers: TBA (Yakko), TBA (Wakko) and TBA (Dot)
Please provide Ukrainian lyrics if you can
Missing versions[]
There are some versions of this song that are known or highly likely to exist and have not surfaced anywhere online. They cannot be added anywhere on this page until either the audio or the lyrics are provided.