The Dubbing Database

The Zigby theme song was composed by Peter Dasent and is featured at the start of every episode.

English (Australia)[]

Singer: Justine Clarke
On a tropical island far away
A cheeky zebra loves to play

Zigby, running through the jungle
Uh oh, he's trotting into trouble
Zigby and his friends are here today

Zigby's off on a new adventure
Here's McMeer, his helpful friend
Bertie the bird says "Please be careful!"
But it's okay, it'll work out in the end

Zigby, running through the jungle
Hurray! He's trotted out of trouble
Zigby and his friends are here to play


The opening theme is undubbed from the American English version, but is subtitled.

Në një ishull tropikal shumë shumë larg!
Një vogëlush zebër vdes për të luajtur!
Zigbi! Duke vrapuar përmes xhunglës! 
O-ou! Ai futet në telashe!
Zigbi dhe miqtë e tij janë sot këtu!

Zigbi po niset në një aventurë të re! 
Ky është Mekmiri shoku i tij që e ndihmon!
Dhe zogu Bërti që thotë “Të lutem ki kujdes"! 
Por çdo gjë zgjidhet mirë në fund!

Zigbi! Duke vrapuar përmes xhunglës! 
Urraaa-ai! Doli nga telashet!
Zigbi dhe shokët e tij janë këtu, për të luajtur!


Singers: ?

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Singers: ?

Please provide Czech lyrics if you can


Singers: ?

Please provide Dutch lyrics if you can

English (UK)[]

Singer: Joanna Ruiz
On a tropical island far away
A cheeky zebra loves to play

Zigby, running through the jungle
Uh oh, he's trotting into trouble
Zigby and his friends are here today

Zigby's off on a new adventure
Here's McMeer, his helpful friend
Bertie the bird says "Please be careful!"
But it's okay, it'll work out in the end

Zigby, running through the jungle
Hurray! He's trotting out of trouble
Zigby and his friends are here to play


Singer: Laurence Hélie

Sur une île où le ciel est toujours bleu
S'amuse un petit zèbre curieux

Zigby, petits sabots dans la jungle
Oh oh, rien ne l'arrête jamais
Zigby, ses amis sont là pour lui

Toujours prêt pour une autre aventure
Avec Maurice à ses côtés
Le prudent Basile voit du danger
Mais à la fin, tout finit toujours bien

Zigby, petits sabots dans la jungle
Youpi! Tu ne t'arrêtes jamais
Zigby, tes amis sont là pour toi


Singer: Eva Thärichen

Please provide German lyrics if you can


Singers: Laura Shopov / לורה שופוב and Ami Mandelman / עמי מנדלמן

Please provide Hebrew lyrics if you can


Singers: ?

Please provide Italian lyrics if you can


Singers: ?

Only a fragment of the opening theme is available online.

Please provide Kazakh lyrics if you can


Singer: Magdalena Chruścicka
Na tropikalnej wyspie daleko stąd
Przyjazna zebra ma swój kąt

Zebek, bryka tu po dżungli
A a, w kłopoty wpadać lubi
Dziś spotkasz Zebka i jego kumpli

Gdy Zebkowi przygoda się zdarza
Surykaś mu z chęcią pomaga
Ptasiek krzyczy, uważaj proszę
A przecież nic złego stać się nie może

Zebek, bryka tu po dżungli
Hura! Z kłopotów się wywinął
Dziś spotkasz Zebka i jego kumpli


Singer: Gabriela Codrea

Please provide Romanian lyrics if you can


Singer: ?

Там, где жаркое лето круглый год,
Зебра весело живёт.

Зигби бегает по джунглям,
Хоу-оу, когда бывает трудно.
Зигби, рядом с ним его друзья.

К приключениям и проделкам
Наш герой готов всегда.
Берти крикнет: "Эй, осторожней!"
А МакМир готов помочь всегда.

Зигби бегает по джунглям,
Хэй-эй! Когда бывает трудно.
Зигби, рядом с ним его друзья.


Singers: ?

Please provide Serbian lyrics if you can


Singers: ?

Please provide Slovene lyrics if you can

Spanish (Latin America)[]

Singer: Maggie Vera
En una isla lejana tropical
A una curiosa cebra le gusta jugar

¡Zigby, corre por la selva!
Oh-oh, ¡se mete en problemas!
¡Zigby y sus amigos están aquí!

Zigby busca una nueva aventura
Su amigo McMeer le ayudará
Bertie le dice "¡Tengan cuidado!"
Pero al final todo va a estar bien

¡Zigby, corre por la selva!
¡Muy bien! ¡Ya no hay más problemas!
¡Zigby y sus amigos salen a jugar!


Singers: ?

Please provide Tatar lyrics if you can


Singers: ?

Please provide Turkish lyrics if you can


Singers: ?

Please provide Ukrainian lyrics if you can


Speakers: ?

This opening theme uses a spoken narration.

Please provide Uzbek lyrics if you can


  • The Bengali, Hungarian, Icelandic, Mandarin, Norwegian, and European Portuguese versions of this song, if dubbed, have not surfaced anywhere online. It cannot be added anywhere on this page until either the audio and/or the lyrics are provided.
  • The song was left undubbed in the Albanian (although subtitled) and Greek dubs.